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Award sponsored by the QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.

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The Australian Dementia Research Forum Organising Committee is delighted to recognise the efforts of Australian researchers in dementia.

This is made possible with the support of  QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute.


The ADNeT Lifetime Achievement Award in Dementia Research acknowledges an Australian investigator whose research has made a significant contribution

to our understanding of dementia diagnosis, treatment, prevention and care.


This prestigious award will be presented annually at the Australian Dementia Research Forum, and the recipient will receive a certificate of recognition and a cash prize.


Award and certificate sponsored by the Australian Dementia Network


For the second year running, the Australian Dementia Research Forum Organising Committee is proud to announce the Mr Baillieu Myer AC Award. This will go to the Best Poster for its Innovative Contribution to Alzheimer’s Research.


This is a special award in recognition of the late Mr Baillieu Myer AC. Mr Myer’s generosity and support through The Yulgilbar Foundation contributed to the success of the Australian Dementia Network.


The Yulgilbar Foundation is a family run Private Ancillary Fund and was established in 2001 by Baillieu and Sarah Myer. The Yulgilbar Foundations area of focus is rural, regional and remote Australia and more specifically on education, environment, capacity building and Alzheimer’s research.


More information on the late Mr Baillieu Myer AC. can be found here.


There is no entry to this award.


A judging panel will assess all posters and vote for the Best Poster.


The Organising Committee will also be awarding First and Second Prizes for the Best Oral Presentation for each abstract theme.


  • Theme 1: Discovery (Basic Science/Discovery)

First Prize sponsored by Australian Dementia Network

Second Prize sponsored by Dementia Australia 


  • Theme 2: Prevention and Diagnosis

First Prize sponsored by Eisai

Second Prize sponsored by Dementia Australia 


  • Theme 3: Post-Diagnostic Care

First Prize sponsored by Dementia Australia

Second Prize sponsored by Dementia Australia 


  • Orals People's Choice Award

First Prize Sponsored by CSIRO

Second Prize sponsored by Dementia Australia â€‹


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